
Showing posts from September, 2022

Paternalism and Public Health: Stance on Topic Issue

With continued research–contrary to my knee-jerk reaction–I believe that a very paternalistic approach should not be used to regulate Genetically Modified Organisms GMOs–rather a perhaps “soft paternalistic” approach. In my paper, I am arguing that GMOs’ positive effects on the environment, the economy, and the world hunger crisis outweigh the possible health consequences which remain still somewhat inconsistently reported. The main weakness of my position is that it isn’t definitively supported nor disproven by scientific research. However, I am using the so-called “weakness” in my position to add nuance. I believe that because there is this “indecisiveness” in the scientific community, there is an opportunity for consumers to be empowered. By labeling food products with GMO and non-GMO consumers can further have access to bodily autonomy or authority over their own health. Specifically, with commonly available knowledge, consumers can assess health risks and their own threshold for r...

Paternalism and Public Health: Topic Introduction

My topic for writing project #2 is Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs). In my project, I will ask whether the government should take a paternalistic approach to regulating GMOs in food products; do the public health costs outweigh peoples’ right to freely consume food products? The central perspective that I have found so far supports the claim that the government should take a paternalistic approach to GMOs. So far, 19 countries of the European Union have voted to ban GMOs in some form, France, Germany, Italy, Denmark, and the Netherlands being a few countries that have fully banned GMOs (“Several European countries move to rule out GMOs”). A scientific study I came across found that consuming GMOs can have such serious effects on human health such as a decrease in learning ability and development of tumors that it seems easy to argue that governments should get involved to minimize this threat to public health. Refer here to explore the scientific study. Nevertheless, having the g...

Doctors in Popular Culture post #2

Following group work and class invention strategies, I was inspired to think about how my subject is unique and how I can emphasize this for my paper. Because there is technically only one doctor that is mainly highlighted in my film, I decided to explore the idea that doctor-like figures can exist even without the title of doctor. I also decided to include more ways in which the value of unconventionality is represented in my film. I thought about the connotations of unconventionality in the medical profession and thought of including “professionalism” as a contrasting value that is rejected.  My initial thought on the main doctor character I am writing about in my essay was that he is an advocate of “tough love” and is controlling. Following class invention strategies, I have refined my immediate thoughts on Dr. Beckham and decided to ascribe the value of paternalism to him. As a result of group work, I was made aware of the tradition of paternalism being attributed to representa...

Doctors in Popular Culture: Character Examples

TW: mention of eating disorder and mild imagery To look at doctors in popular culture, I chose to examine the popular 2017 drama “To The Bone” which follows 20-year-old Eli’s struggle with and recovery from anorexia nervosa. Eli’s story is closely supported by her doctor William Beckham and fellow rehab patient Luke. Although Eli is the protagonist, I chose this movie for this particular assignment because Dr. Beckham is a primary force in driving the story. Eli is introduced to Dr. Beckham as a result of her stepmom dragging her to a consultation which makes her hesitant to receive treatment. However, she is convinced by Dr. Beckham’s characteristic paternal “tough love” approach.  (Dr. Beckham) Throughout the movie, the viewer gains respect for Dr. Beckham for his unconventionality as a result of his doctoral passion. Tough but ultimately caring and personable, Dr. Beckham finds his way into the hearts of his patients. An example of Dr. Beckham’s unique approach to treatment incl...