Doctors in Popular Culture: Character Examples

TW: mention of eating disorder and mild imagery

To look at doctors in popular culture, I chose to examine the popular 2017 drama “To The Bone”

which follows 20-year-old Eli’s struggle with and recovery from anorexia nervosa. Eli’s story is closely

supported by her doctor William Beckham and fellow rehab patient Luke. Although Eli is the protagonist,

I chose this movie for this particular assignment because Dr. Beckham is a primary force in driving the

story. Eli is introduced to Dr. Beckham as a result of her stepmom dragging her to a consultation which

makes her hesitant to receive treatment. However, she is convinced by Dr. Beckham’s characteristic

paternal “tough love” approach. 

(Dr. Beckham)

Throughout the movie, the viewer gains respect for Dr. Beckham for his unconventionality

as a result of his doctoral passion. Tough but ultimately caring and personable, Dr. Beckham

finds his way into the hearts of his patients. An example of Dr. Beckham’s unique approach to

treatment includes taking his patients to an art exhibit and–to their delight–having them dance

in the rain. Dr. Beckham’s unconventionality is praised as brilliant because of its effectiveness in

changing Eli’s perspective on life from pessimistic to optimistic. 


Although Luke is not a doctor, I choose to discuss him for his equally influential role in Eli’s recovery.

Luke, like Dr. Beckham, believes in Eli and pushes her out of her comfort zone in a way that is

unconventional for a friend or romantic interest. Luke’s tactics such as badgering someone about their

guilty pleasure food and pressuring them to eat is typically seen as impolite–especially for someone

struggling with an eating disorder–however, these defining moments ultimately led to Eli’s recovery.

Being in the same situation as Eli, Luke is more empathetic than Dr. Beckham. Where Dr. Beckham

has a guard up for the sake of professionalism, Luke is vulnerable. Yet, Luke and Dr. Beckham both

play a sort of male authority figure role in Eli’s story. 


Technically there are more primary characters in the movie, however, to stay on topic, I decided to

focus on these two characters for their proximity to doctors. Overall I think Luke and Dr. Beckham

reflect society's valuing of authoritative male doctors perhaps with a father-like sense of "tough love"

but most importantly with brilliance and passion.


To The Bone. Directed by Marti Noxon, Mockingbird Pictures, 2017.


  1. Hi Mia! It seems like quite a few of us will be talking about the balance between empathy and professionalism that doctors must strike, so I think it will be very interesting to see how each show/movie shows this differently. I think that the dialogue in your images is super helpful to the reader to understand your descriptions of the characters, so including some of this dialogue in your essay would definitely be a good idea. I also think it will be very important to contextualize your analysis of this movie's focus on male doctors specifically with the fact that women have also made so many advances in the field of medicine.


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