Final Blog Post

Reflecting on the last 15 weeks in WRIT 150 class, I can recognize some significant points of growth. As I progressed through the writing projects, I found that I became more efficient in my research process which I believe is a result of having to consistently practice researching scholarly sources in a set timeframe. Finding the research process less daunting because I feel more confident in my skills is something that I can take from this class to help me in my studies. One major thing that I learned about myself is that I often need to slow down in my outlining process and simplify the skeleton of my essay otherwise my progress takes significantly longer than it needs to. I feel that the collaborative learning aspect of the class gave me a further appreciation for peer editing and makes me more likely to engage with student collaboration in essay projects in the future. Since we utilized peer editing so much in the class, I feel less tentative to reach out to my friends for support on my writing. Periodic self-publishing, especially related to a larger project, helps me check in with my ideas and organize my thoughts in a way that is akin to journaling. Pausing to write a blog post on my progress gave me an opportunity to condense my unorganized thoughts and establish a clear direction that, with the collaborative component, was comprehensible for others. I would urge students in future classes to approach the blogging assignment in this way. Overall, research became more enjoyable for me and I would want to pursue research as a hobby in the future, as I know I will have to for school already.


  1. Hi Mia! It was very nice to read how this class has helped change your point of view on different aspects, and I for one agree with many of the things you said especially about research!


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